Dear Friends,
Shelby Williams has distributed something that he calls his "315 DAY PLAN". It is a badly flawed document because he does not appear to understand the Collin County Executive Committee (EC), how it works, and its history.
At the bottom of this email I reproduce the portion of his plan where he proposes changing the party leadership. He says that he wants to "create additional leadership roles." You need to understand that we have run across this thinking before. Chairman Mark Reid, in the past, proposed changing the structure of the party in order to create a team of vice presidents that would help him run the party. The party chair cannot change the structure of the party without the Rules Committee proposing changes to the rules and bylaws in order to implement the changes, and then the EC has to vote to approve the changes.
When Chairman Mark Reid wanted to "create additional leadership roles," the Rules Committee refused to recommend those changes. I heard the chairman tell the Rules Committee that he would not permit the EC to meet until he got the rule changes that he wanted. He would not call a meeting. He broke the party. We had a big conflict that resulted in his resigning as party chair. We know that Shelby's plan is terrible because we have seen it happen before, and it broke the party.
We have a recurring problem within the Collin County Republican Party where the party chair gets "full of himself," declares that "I can do what I want because I'm the Chairman," and then starts to fight with the EC. We had the same problem with former chairman Abraham George when he decided to side with the SREC Committeeman against the EC and our work towards endorsing in municipal elections. The Republican Party of Texas (RPT) supports endorsements in municipal elections. Mr. George delayed the EC from endorsing candidates in the Princeton municipal elections by not letting us meet for 3 months. He had to quit for us to endorse!
In the SREC (State Republican Executive Committee), Rolando Garcia is Chairman of the Local Government Committee. Mr. Garcia has written that Mr. George, "attended an SREC meeting last year for the sole purpose of urging us to stop endorsing conservatives in school board and city council races." Here's a link to the full story:
I am telling you this because I believe that Shelby Williams, if elected party chair, will follow in the footsteps of Mark Reid and Abraham George in trying to get the EC to bend to his will, and then picking fights with the EC when he does not get his way. His "315 day plan" is full of ridiculous nonsense. If you are outside the EC, or new to the EC, then you do not know our history and do not realize that the proposal for "additional leadership roles" is a disaster waiting to happen.
Voting Shelby Williams into the position of party chair would be like giving a loaded gun to a child -- it would lead to much grief.
Thank you for our time on this important issue.
Excerpt from the 315 day plan
(available in full here: )
Expand the leadership base to bring additional people to the table. I want to work with the Executive Committee to create additional leadership roles–roles of real responsibility and accountability, not ceremonial titles, and bring people from the various factions to those roles to work together to advance our shared goals. This also necessitates a distinction between committees and teams. We don’t need more committees. We have enough, and they serve a specific and vital purpose. Committees are for focused deliberation, but by their very nature, they’re not action-oriented. Once the Executive Committee approves a course of action, a team, not a committee, is needed to take actual action. I always want to get people doing what they’re best at and what they’re most passionate about. That’s how we unleash organizational potential. We need specific roles for Legislative Action, which Brandon Burden of North Texas Conservatives did phenomenally last session, as well as Community Outreach, which Jessica Bartnick, President of Collin County Conservative Republicans, would be a natural for. We need leaders for Precinct Chair training and development, Toolkit Development, Recruitment, etc.
If you do not have Twitter (aka X), then here is a screenshot of Rolando's post.
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