I originally sent this message as an email on
Oct 19, 2021
It is time for us to become aware of
a war raging within the Republican Party. It has been going on for years,
but has not been discussed much. We need to be aware because this war is
leading to election fraud and sabotage of the Republican grassroots.
Let me tell you what made me wake up
and see the problem. The 9-23-21 issue of the Wall Street Journal said
that George W. Bush was scheduled to host a fundraiser for Liz Cheney in
Dallas on 10-18-21, which is today [1]. You know already that the Wyoming
GOP has censured Liz Cheney for voting to impeach Donald Trump. Liz Cheney
has said that she "will do everything I can to ensure that the former
president never again gets anywhere near the Oval Office." [2] Wait
a minute. The voters pick our President, not a RINO from Wyoming.

I finally realized that the Republican
Establishment, with Liz Cheney as their most visible tool, believes it has
the right to pick the President, not the people. Rod Rosenstein, a
Republican Deputy Attorney General admitted he conspired to overthrow Trump
with the 25th Amendment, but his conspiracy fell apart. George W.
Bush endorsed Joe Biden, and Bush has not apologized. Look at what a
disaster Biden is, and Bush is doubling down, fundraising for Liz Cheney.
Look at how the Republican Establishment followed Bush in endorsing
Biden. Establishment Republican General Colin Powell (retired) went
to the Democratic National Convention in 2020 and endorsed Joe Biden, following
the lead of his patrons, the Bush family.
Arizona GOP Chairwoman, Dr. Kelli
Ward, told us in Dallas at Debbie Georgatos' "Women and Freedom"
summit that there was massive cheating in Maricopa County, Arizona and 4 of the
5 County Supervisors were Republicans who fought the audit tooth and nail,
refusing to honor subpoenas. Across America, appointed or elected
Republican officials helped the Democrats steal the 2020 Presidential Election.
This is a betrayal of trust on
many levels. One betrayal is the principle of two parties that are a
check and balance to each other. The Republican Establishment has shown
us that they belong to a Uniparty, a group of rich and powerful people in the
shadows trying to control both parties so there is in effect only one real
party, the Uniparty of the Globalist Establishment.
As Dr. Quigley put
it, "The two parties should be almost identical, so that the American
people can 'throw the rascals out' at any election without leading to any
profound or extensive shifts in policy," [3] The Bush family and
their crowd have been lying to us all these years, pretending to be conservatives.
Also raising money for Liz Cheney are John Boehner and Paul Ryan, both former
GOP House Speakers, Senators Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, and Mitt Romney,
The group scheduled to attend the Bush fundraiser include Karl Rove, former
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson, and Ray Hunt, CEO of Hunt Oil Co. The rich
and powerful have lined up against the American people, against the Republican
grassroots, and they have worked against our nation, not just our party.
Look at what Biden did in Afghanistan, and the Republican Establishment shares
the blame for this disaster.
You better believe the RNC is part
of the Establishment. Here is what Rich Higgins saw at the White
House: "Trump turned to the RNC when he needed to staff his
administration. And the RNC took the opportunity to blackball Trump supporters
and bring in its kind of people. McCain people. Bush people.
Romney people....On staffing, the neocons, Never-Trump, and the Republican
Establishment just ran the table, Even Democrats managed to break through
the hiring process...." [4] It is a miracle Trump accomplished as
much as he did with the Establishment Republicans and Obama holdovers fighting
him, openly calling the Deep State "the Resistance."
Our betrayers run the gamut from
Washington,D.C., to the county level, as in Maricopa County. Remember the
Bushes live in Texas, so you know Texas has Establishment Republicans who work
against the Republican Grassroots. Perhaps this is why Dade Phelan, the
Texas Speaker of the House, stabs us in the back. Perhaps he is part of a
hoard of rats gnawing away at the fabric of our Republican Party.
Now that we know that the grassroots
are under attack, we can prepare to defend ourselves. The first step is
to not donate money to Establishment Republicans. After that will be a
battle between the people and the American Aristocracy, which is what the
Establishment is. The American Revolutionaries overthrew the tyranny of
the rich when they defeated the army of the King of England, the head of the
British Establishment. The rich are trying to take over our country using
Communists like Bernie Sanders inside the Democratic party and using
Establishment Republicans. We can stop them and save our republic, but it
will be some work.
We have to be committed in our work for
the sake of our liberties and for our children and grandchildren.
Thank you for being a part of the
grassroots in Texas, the greatest state in the greatest country!
Robert Canright
1: Liz Cheney’s Re-Election
Bid Pits Trump Against Bush by Michael Bender and Kristana Peterson,
9/22/21 https://www.wsj.com/articles/liz-cheneys-re-election-bid-pits-trump-against-bush-11632303001
2. Liz Cheney Ousted
From House Republican Leadership by Lindsay Wise and Kristina Peterson,
5/12/21 https://www.wsj.com/articles/liz-cheney-set-to-lose-gop-leadership-post-11620819337
3. "Tragedy & Hope:
A History of the World in Our Time" by Carroll Quigley, pages
1247 and 1248.
4. The Memo, 20 Years
Inside the Deep State Fighting for America First, by Rich Higgins, page 156