Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Plano for the Presidency

You've heard me say earlier that Plano can and should develop good leaders for America.

Our current president came from Midland, Texas. Why can't a future president come from Plano, Texas?

As we educate our children, we should consider that one of our own could be President of the United States. I say we should bear that in mind as we teach our children. They need to know more than Algebra. They need the wisdom of History. President Harry Truman claimed his first source of political wisdom came from Plutarch, read to him by his father.

Studying Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans is how Truman's father helped shape Harry's character. History is a great way to teach character lessons, put in the context of real events. Good character is vital for good leaders. Heraclitus said, "A man's character is his fate," in his work On the Universe. This is often shortened to: Character is destiny.

David Hall is a candidate for the PISD Board, for Place 5. He talks about character education on his blog.

President Reagan said, "we've got to teach history," in his farewell address to the nation.

Truman said it. Reagan said it. I echo their wisdom. Let's educate our children as though one of them will lead America. Let's give America our very best.

Robert Canright

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