Our Constitutional Republic is defined by our Constitution. I am alarmed at how often the Democrats have been disparaging our Constitution. I will bring a couple of articles to your attention. A recent article from the New York Times is, "We Had to Force the Constitution to Accommodate Democracy, and It Shows" by Jamelle Bouie, 10/7/22. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/07/opinion/constitution-democracy-biden-trump.html
The article says the Constitution "undermines American democracy," and it complains of "lopsided representation in the Senate and the Electoral College." The Democrats are upset that the large states cannot crush the small states because of the Senate and the Electoral College.
Here is another article attacking our Constitution: "The Republican Party Is Succeeding Because We Are Not a True Democracy" by Jedediah Britton-Purdy, NYT Jan. 3, 2022 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/03/opinion/us-democracy-constitution.html
This article says "today’s Republican Party succeeds only because of the Electoral College". Do you get that? If they can get rid of the Electoral College, they can destroy the Republican party.
This section of text from the article is very disturbing: "Maybe we can revive mass movements for amendments, ... If the public supports a constitutional amendment to limit money in politics, ...or enshrine a core abortion right, a committed majority should be able to say what our fundamental law is by popular vote." The mass movement they refer to is called "Convention of States" (CoS). The reference to popular vote is a plan to ratify a new Constitution with a national popular vote like the Communists tried in Chile recently.
The left is already planning to hijack the work of Convention of States and to change the ratification process. Just think: CoS is working to make the dreams come true for the Democrats of eliminating the Electoral College and destroying the Republican Party.
We should all be scared to death of an Article V convention in this dangerous time in our Republic. But why are our conservative friends working to help the Democrats? We all know really nice people who are committed to CoS. I like the rank and file in CoS. They are great people, but they are deceived. Their problem is that they do not understand deception and betrayal. They cannot tell when they are being lied to.
I recommend everyone read the book, "A Vietcong Memoir" by Truong Nhu Tang. You will learn that we lost Vietnam because the South Vietnamese government was riddled with traitors like Mr. Tang. His father warned him that the North Vietnamese were lying to him, but he would not listen to his father. He dedicates his book, "to my betrayed comrades, who believed they were sacrificing themselves for a humane liberation of their people." Do you notice he says they were all betrayed? https://www.amazon.com/Vietcong-Memoir-Account-Vietnam-Aftermath/dp/0394743091/
Mr. Tang dedicated his life to overthrowing the South Vietnamese government, and then fled Vietnam as one of the many "boat people". The CoS people do not understand betrayal even when it is right in front of them.
Why do the CoS folks cling so firmly to their fantasy? Read "The True Believer, Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements" by Eric Hoffer. https://www.amazon.com/True-Believer-Thoughts-Movements-Perennial/dp/0060505915/
Nationwide people are waking up to the dangers of an Article V convention. Iowa Republicans are opposed to an article V convention.
2022 Iowa Republican Platform, As adopted at the State Convention on Saturday, June 11, 2022, added this plank:
22. We believe the United States Constitution, when properly obeyed and enforced, is an effective and timeless guiding instrument for the governing of our nation. Therefore, in view of the dire warnings from James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, four US Supreme Court Justices, and other eminent Jurists and scholars, we are opposed to the proposals of organizations such as “Convention of States” to ask Congress to call an Article V Convention.
Be careful, friends, when you hear the CoS sales pitch. Iowa got it right and we have to catch up.