Sunday, May 3, 2009

Capitalism Rediscovered

I have said before that forcing all our children into taking a fourth year of Math and Science is bad. Students that will benefit from a 4th year will already be taking those courses. Most students would benefit from other courses.

Capitalism, for example, would be an elective that could be far more valuable to some students. I have a more detailed description on how Capitalism could be studied at this web page. A course on Capitalism would be an academic course, not part of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses that have been made substitutes for Math and Science in 4x4. This shows how the "compromise" on 4x4 in Senate Bill SB3 is a failure.

The PISD lists Business courses on their excellent web site. A course on Entrepreneurship would be a worthwhile addition to prepare our children to become successful business owners.

We need to prepare our children for leadership, not servitude. Four-by-four prepares our children for servitude and that is wrong.

We need better leaders for a better future. A course on Capitalism would be superior in that regard than courses in Math and Science.

You need a person of vision on the Board of Trustees. Vote for Robert Canright.

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